Polish Cluster
of Composite Technologies
Partner medialny
Portal o technologiach kompozytowych

In December 2021 the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies obtained the status of a National Key Cluster. The status of a National Key Cluster is granted to cluster organizations of significant importance to the national economy and high international competitiveness.
Cluster policy is now an integral part of the economic policy of most countries in the world. National Key Clusters are, in a way, becoming a tool for the development of regional or national economic structures, in which highly developed clusters are becoming an instrument for the implementation of, among other things, public tasks. Taking into account the role of clusters is an element linking industrial and innovation policy with labour market policy and policy on vocational, secondary and higher education.
The status of National Key Cluster for the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies is the next step in the development of the organization, which is constantly expanding the group of active members supporting them with knowledge and experience.
Cluster overview
The Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies (PKTK) was established in October 2017 in Kraków and constitutes a platform for cooperation of entities operating in the field of composite technologies, including universities and scientific, research or development units as well as entrepreneurs, inventors, business environment units and other interested persons or institutions. Currently the cluster has over 100 members.
The main objectives of the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies is to promote Polish technologies, companies and institutions that deal with manufacturing, research and design of composite elements, as well as to popularize Polish technological thought concerning devices and components used to produce composites. To create a strong entity representing the needs of the composites industry, e.g. through participation in international fairs and conferences of products and services of Polish companies, and to improve the recognizability of Polish companies in the composites sector. PKTK is also a place for improving knowledge in the field of composite materials through training and trips to leading international centres, as well as carrying out joint research projects.
The offer of our Cluster includes a comprehensive approach to designing, researching, manufacturing, but also repairing and recycling composite elements.
We provide consultancy services in the field of pro-innovative activities, legal services in the field of business activity, waste management and environmental protection, as well as in the field of preparing grant applications and conducting research and development projects.
Assessment of the company's current technological potential, procedures used and identification of the company's strengths and weaknesses in order to increase its competitiveness on the national and international markets
Technical and technological trainings on design, research, manufacturing, repair and recycling of composite materials conducted as part of cluster meetings and through substantive content published on the media partner's website: composites.net
Virtual LAB
PKTK virtual laboratory is a collection of devices, machines and research apparatus of cluster members, which makes up a comprehensive commercial service addressed to interested entities in many areas such as:
- strength analysis
- acoustic analysis
- chemical analysis
- NDT tests
- thermal tests
- structural analysis
- 3D Printing
- reverse engineering
- microscopy
- manufacturing equipment
The Virtual Laboratory was created to promote specialized services within the cluster as well as outside it. Cluster members can use these resources on preferential conditions. Polish Cluster of Composite Technology within the framework of its activity is able to conduct all kinds of research and analysis regarding components, materials, structures as well as complex composite elements.
The strategic goal of Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies (PKTK) is internationalization, which allows us to increase the visibility of the cluster and its members on international markets.
Global openness of the Cluster is the key to success, that is why we cooperate with many organizations and clusters from the sector, as well as we are active on European cooperation platforms.

is the magazine of the Polish composite community, published 4 times a year covering topics including scientific information, trends in business, technology, manufacturing and application sectors.
How to join the cluster?
Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies (Polski Klaster Technologii Kompozytowych) is open and a member of the cluster can be any entrepreneur or business support institution related to the broadly defined industry of composite materials and technologies, who will submit a declaration of membership, accept the cluster membership regulations and obtain approval of the members and Cluster Council.
Membership benefits of the Polish Composite Technology Cluster (PKTK)
To increase the credibility of entities operating in the Cluster and to integrate the business environment in the sector.
Representing and defending the interests of members of the PKTK in the regional, national and European Union arena.
Joint representation of interests within the scope of conducted activities in front of state and local government authorities.
Conducting joint scientific and research studies and commercializing their results.
Access to consulting, information and training services in order to strengthen the competence potential of human resources.
Preferential conditions of access to public funding, including from the EU.
Development and coordination of cooperation in the field of R&D with research and development units and universities, especially in the creation of new technologies.
Participation in research projects (national and international) concerning innovations in the field of composite materials and technologies and related industries.
Opportunity to establish cooperation with competitors and other economic entities.
Opportunity to establish a cooperative environment capable of creating competitive products and services.
Support to members in acquiring skilled labour.
Invitation to meetings with national and foreign investors.
Opportunities to export products or services from innovative solutions in the field of composite materials in the form of participation in meetings, conferences, fairs, missions, etc. organised by the PKTK.
Access to information on the latest developments and trends in the field of composite materials and technologies.
Participation in international meetings, events and cluster projects creating business opportunities for cluster members.
Finding suitable partners among the members and, if necessary, among external entities.
Obtaining mentors in matters of interest to the cluster member.
Effective promotion of services and products by conducting marketing activities and promotional campaigns for cluster members.
Providing access to various types of workshops and trainings organised by PKTK and external partners.
Giving opinions on behalf of members of the PKTK on draft legislation relating to the functioning of the economy, participating in the preparation of draft legislation on conducting business and scientific-research activities of cluster members.
To participate in shaping economic, industrial and educational policies of regions and to support initiatives and create conditions conducive to economic development of cluster members and regions.
Placing a logo and a link to the website of a cluster member on the cluster’s website www.pktk.pl.
The right to use the PKTK logo on its website and in advertising materials of the company, institution, municipality or city in order to show that the member is part of the cluster brand.
Membership benefits of the Polish Composite Technology Cluster (PKTK)
- To increase the credibility of entities operating in the Cluster and to integrate the business environment in the sector.
- Representing and defending the interests of members of the PKTK in the regional, national and European Union arena.
- Joint representation of interests within the scope of conducted activities in front of state and local government authorities.
- Conducting joint scientific and research studies and commercializing their results.
- Access to consulting, information and training services in order to strengthen the competence potential of human resources.
- Preferential conditions of access to public funding, including from the EU.
- Development and coordination of cooperation in the field of R&D with research and development units and universities, especially in the creation of new technologies.
- Participation in research projects (national and international) concerning innovations in the field of composite materials and technologies and related industries.
- Opportunity to establish cooperation with competitors and other economic entities.
- Opportunity to establish a cooperative environment capable of creating competitive products and services.
- Support to members in acquiring skilled labour.
- Invitation to meetings with national and foreign investors.
- Opportunities to export products or services from innovative solutions in the field of composite materials in the form of participation in meetings, conferences, fairs, missions, etc. organised by the PKTK.
- Access to information on the latest developments and trends in the field of composite materials and technologies.
- Participation in international meetings, events and cluster projects creating business opportunities for cluster members.
- Finding suitable partners among the members and, if necessary, among external entities.
- Obtaining mentors in matters of interest to the cluster member.
- Effective promotion of services and products by conducting marketing activities and promotional campaigns for cluster members.
- Providing access to various types of workshops and trainings organised by PKTK and external partners.
- Giving opinions on behalf of members of the PKTK on draft legislation relating to the functioning of the economy, participating in the preparation of draft legislation on conducting business and scientific-research activities of cluster members.
- To participate in shaping economic, industrial and educational policies of regions and to support initiatives and create conditions conducive to economic development of cluster members and regions.
- Placing a logo and a link to the website of a cluster member on the cluster’s website www.pktk.pl.
- The right to use the PKTK logo on its website and in advertising materials of the company, institution, municipality or city in order to show that the member is part of the cluster brand.

Cluster members

Cluster partners